What is Trademark?

What is a trademark? Trademark is simply a word, phrase or symbol used to identify the source of a product. It’s the main way to protect the goodwill of your brand and the business behind it. A trademark serves two purposes. First,
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What is an Assignment of contract?

Assignment of contract is a legal concept. It applies to any agreement between two or more parties and which one party transfers their rights for the benefit of another person. It is a legal transaction between two or more parties whereby one
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Can I get full Custody of my child?

You can get full custody of your child. However, it is important to consider all the factors associated with custody and make sure that you are truly in a position to give your child the best life possible. If the other parent
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What Are Patents, Trademarks and copyrights: Know The Differences

Before defining patents, trademarks and copyrights we need to know their background. Globalization indeed has increased competition in the world, and everyone at the individual or state level is struggling to get a step ahead. Importantly, technological and digital revolutions have brought
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What are Intellectual Property laws in Pakistan?

Inventions, development, novel ideas, reformation of redundant formulae, and the like processes aren’t something new to this world. Not to mention this but the nature of human beings resonates with the social order and demands innovative planning to live a convenient life.
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